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Gone Western Company

Dry-Erase Cowkid Workbooks

Dry-Erase Cowkid Workbooks

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A new spin on our classic Cowkid Workbooks! We have made a laminated version of our cowkid workbooks so they can be used over and over again!

Where the wild west meets the ABCs and 1-2-3s! Including a fun cattle round-up at the end! Sometimes wrangling those kids up to sit and learn can be difficult but not anymore with an educational ABC's and 123's workbook that they will love! 

8.5x11 in size

Fully Laminated Cover and Interior

Includes a Dry Erase Marker! 

Handmade at the home of Gone Western Co. We use GBC Pro Click spines which allows you to take out one page at a time if you want to!


- Learning each letter A-Z by tracing and practicing themselves. Each letter page includes a black and white image for your little one to color!

- Learning how to write different small words of things you will find on the ranch or farm and in the rodeo arena!

- Learning their number 1-20 by tracing and practicing themselves

- A coloring break sheet

- A counting cows activity in the back of the book where they must count how many cows they see and write that number on the line. Numbers go up to 20 which means we feature 20 different breeds of cattle! 

You do not want to miss out on your chance to snag one of these up for your little cowkids!

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